👋 L8R
Hey everyone, it’s Friday the 13th 👻 and you know what that means… it's my last day at Grover. 😐 Sad that we can’t all party together one last time, but I’ll come back on a Friday sometime after we've all come out of quarantine. 🦠
It has certainly been a wild 3 years seeing the transformation that Grover has been through and I’m super proud of the work I did. Actually *pulls out notes, wipes one tear from eye* I was reflecting on the last few years and honestly more than things I did at Grover, I’m more proud when I think about the people I brought to Grover—people who are just so good and integral to the company at this point. Like check this out:
- Martin leads user research and has totally transformed how we think about our users.
- Erin leads the brand design team and has guided Grover through a chaotic few years of the Grover brand.
- Jason, who started as a product design intern, now leads an incredible product team.
- Claudia leads CS. I brought Julian here too. 😘
- More recently, I’m so excited about what Kristina and João bring to the product design team. I feel great leaving them in charge.
Anyway I just thought like, damn I am good at finding good people! 😂 But really, y’all please continue to slay it. I’m excited to follow the work you do, now as an enthusiastic Grover customer.
If you’re curious about what I’m doing next, check out 🌱 Radicle, a decentralized way to collaborate on code. It's like GitHub, but peer to peer, and not owned by a massive corporation. If you’re curious why this is being built, watch this.
If you want to stay in touch with me, my favorite chat app is Telegram. You can also follow me on Twitter, or if we’re not already, connect on LinkedIn. I rarely use Facebook or Instagram, but give it a go if you want.
And I’ll see you at the next post-quarantine Grover Rave!
❤️ Brandon